March 19, 2014

My Pink Blue Ombre Hair!

Hello all!

It's now my final year in uni before I step into the work force so I finally gathered up the courage to go colourful ombre! I researched the web for countless days but finally decided F it! I would never get the same hair colour as the example!

I finally decided on the colour - pink/purple/blue and the stylist - Amy from Number 76 Style in Bangsar II, KL. Let me tell you, the stylists at Number 76 Style were hilarious and sooo much fun! Amy was super sweet, I really really liked talking to Chocolate (lol she hates that name) and Shaun too awesome for words!

I spoke to Amy about the colours I wanted and she gave me the most PERFECT hair colour ever! The bf bought a purply tshirt, which I really liked and I told him to wear the tshirt on the day so I could tell Amy that I wanted that exact colour. Unfortunately it was difficult to find a parking so the bf waited at Bangsar Village and I never got to show Amy the tshirt.

Coincidently, Amy gave me the exact same colour as the bf's tshirt. I was soooo happy and excited!

You can see my hair 'live in action' in my very first YouTube video here! Also, Please support!

Below is my hair after about 7-10 washes. The pink has almost all gone and faded to a coppery red and the blue has became a dark black/green. It's was super fun having every changing hair colours and best part? My hair shampoo gets tinted a pretty pastel lilac! *hugs self in glee*

I really missed my pink blue hair, but I'm looking forward to popping by Priceline and buying some fun colours to cover the copper green! I'm thinking maybe a dark purple!

Unfortunately, if I want to keep a fun pink purple ombre hair, I'd probably have to re-dye my hair every 2 weeks. That got me thinking.

If you didn't want to commit to the hair maintenance or even bleaching your hair, why not try the ombre extensions alternative? No bleach, no fading, no touch ups, just fun! Buy some blonde extensions, dye your hair any awesome colour you want and you're good to go!

I was contacted by just after I went ombre and a small part of me did wish I thought of extensions before this! They also carry an ombre hair range, which you can check out here. Customer service is also super friendly and I'm pretty darn sure they'll be able to answer any of your hair extension questions.

I've compiled a bunch of extensions that's high on my wishlist! If I were to pick one extension, I'd get the white blonde remy extensions and dye them a bunch of fun rainbow colours! Ah that would be so great!

If you're thinking of getting ombre hair without the commitment, do check them out on BestHairBuy's website and Facebook page!

With that said, I'm probably gonna apply a new colour over my current faded ombre! What colour should I opt for? I'd love to hear your suggestions!


♡ ♡ 


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